The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has reinstated Member of Parliament Constance Chihota (CCC) following a High Court order instructing Parliament to reinstate the MP.


The MP had been erroneously recalled on 7 November 2023.

She was recalled together with other 12 National Assembly members and five Senators as the blood-letting continued unabated in the opposition party, taking the total recalled legislators and councillors at the time to 42 since the August elections.


In letters to the Speaker of Parliament, Advocate Jacob Mudenda and Senate president Mabel Chinomona, dated Tuesday November 7 2023, CCC interim secretary general Sengezo Tshabangu said the party was recalling the legislators who include Pelandaba MP and party deputy spokesman Gift Ostallos Siziba and Mkoba North MP and leader of CCC in the National Assembly Amos Chibaya.


The letters of recall for the six constituency National Assembly members and seven women’s and youth quota proportional representation MPs were again signed by Tshabangu, although a faction belonging to the party’s leader, Nelson Chamisa, claims the position of interim secretary general is non-existent in the party.


The MPs that were recalled are: Admore Chivero (Chegutu West), Stephen Chatiza (Goromonzi West), Gift Siziba (Pelandaba), Tapfumaneyi Madzimbamuto (Seke), Oliver Mutasa (Zvimba East), Amos Chibaya (Mkoba North), Emma Muzondiwa (Midlands proportional representative), Machirairwa Mugidho (Masvingo proportional representative), Constance Chihota (Mashonaland East proportional representative), Monica Mukwada (Manicaland proportional representative), Sekai Mungani (Midlands proportional representative), Linnet Mazingaidzo (Harare proportional representative) and Daphne Gutsa (Mashonaland East proportional representative).


Those recalled from the Senate are Webster Maondera, Jameson Timba and Vongai Tome all from Harare, and Editor Matamisa and Ralph Magunje from Mashonaland West.


Following Adv Mudenda’s announcement of the recalls, CCC Hwange Central legislator Daniel Molokele raised a point of order informing the National Assembly that the High Court had earlier issued an interdict, stopping further recalls until the issue of the party’s leadership that is before the courts, is resolved.


In response, Adv Mudenda said he would respond once he receives the interdict by the High Court.


“Once I receive the court order and it states what you (Mr Molokele) are saying, in terms of the law, the court order will supersede the recalls accordingly. So, as soon as I get that I will act in terms of the court order,” he said.

