The ruling Zanu PF, which has literally been dining with MDC Alliance ‘rebels’ following a shock Supreme Court judgement which ruled against the leadership of Nelson Chamisa’s presidency is creating an environment for chaos post-national-lockdown, analysts have said.
Since the Supreme Court judgement which ‘propelled’ Thokozani Khupe to the presidency last week, ruling party officials have been publicly backing MDC Alliance renegades, Douglas Mwonzora and Morgen Komichi, who dramatically turned against Chamisa right at the courts.
“ZANU PF is creating an environment for rebellious activities after coronavirus lockdown through its alliance with MDC rebels. Its clear that the MDC @nelsonchamisa members will exercise their civil and political liberties to protest in masses against this provocation” quipped human rights activist Pedzisai Ruhanya in a tweet this morning.
Ruhanya also hinted that there has been ‘a new deception of working to destabilise and destroy’ the leading opposition MDC Alliance under the tutelage of Chamisa.
This follows a report in the state-run Herald in which Mwonzora alleges that he is ‘the man in charge at Morgan Tsvangirai House (formerly Harvest House)’.
“I am the secretary-general and I am in charge of the day-to-day running of the party. I have closed the party offices up until the end of the 21-day lockdown. We have to follow the law,” Mwonzora was quoted as saying.
