With indications that presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere could not be on the ballot paper, his team has vowed to fight President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa off the electoral ring.

Kasukuwere and his team are on record saying it would take more than an election to remove Mnangagwa from power, adding that they are ready to do so.

Kasukuwere’s campaign team chairperson Walter Mzembi urges their supporters not to spoil ballot papers as a way to fix Mnangagwa, adding that there is always a way to deal with him on or off the ballot paper.

“Spoiling Ballot Papers in the name of @Hon_Kasukuwere is not an official position notwithstanding him being off the Ballot Paper.

“This struggle will be fought responsibly on and off the Ballot Paper , we don’t do zero sum politics (Shayisano) Rgds.”

Apparently, President Mnangagwa is in a tricky political situation for allegedly failing to address G40 elements currently within his party.

From this year’s elections, he is expected to get a bhora Musango’ protest vote against him.

Mnangagwa came to power in 2017 after toppling late former President Robert Mugabe through a military coup.

Meanwhile, Mnangagwa has been warned to be very careful, with critics saying he is creating an environment that would trigger a revolt against him.
