The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has urged women to avoid visiting secluded and uninhibited places alone after a 28-year-old woman was raped in a bushy area while on her way to a mountain for prayers.
The police said the assailant emerged from the thickets and assaulted the woman with an empty beer bottle.
“Police encourage women to avoid visiting secluded or uninhabited places alone in order to reduce chances of being raped. Recently a Byo woman (28) was raped in a bushy area near Emganwini Suburbs around midday. The victim was going to a mountain for prayers and the assailant emerged from the bush and assaulted her with an empty beer bottle,” said the ZRP on Twitter, signing off with the hashtag #notocrime.
After the extended national lockdown which started on 30 March brought a halt to public gatherings and church congregations alike, the predominantly Christian Zimbabweans have resorted to worshipping at secluded places to avoid being on collision course with the police.
