The ruling Zanu PF party is bizzarely demanding an apology from the European Union (EU), the United States and other countries which labelled President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Government as having been responsible for the abductions and brutal torture of three opposition MDC Alliance officials including a serving MP early this week.
The trio of Harare West parliamentarian Joana Mamombe, Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova was found badly beaten and dumped along Bindura Road. They are currently receiving medical treatment at a private clinic in the capital and the ruling party is distancing itself from the brutality that befell the three Youth Assembly leaders.
“We exposed it earlier that this was a well rehearsed script meant to soil the image of the Republic (and) its leadership. There are no signs of injuries as claimed by (the EU, US), etc,” said the ruling party in comments posted on its Twitter handle Friday afternoon.
“Those who tweeted attacking our government after these fake abductions owe our Nation an apology. We followed this matter to every detail with a desire to unmask these fake abductions,” Zanu PF said.
Media, Information and Broadcasting Services minister, Energy Mutodi also described the abductions as fake. He irrelatively added that MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa has been dumped by his legislators amid a controversial Supreme Court ruling which declared Thokozani Khupe as the legitimate leader of the opposition ahead of an Extraordinary Congress to elect a substantive leader.
“Number of fake abductees is increasing with Joana Mamombe joining the list. Meanwhile, MDC MPs have ditched embattled leader Nelson Chamisa en masse, asking him to join the Extra-Ordinary Congress proceedings in order to resolve his illegitimacy,” Mutodi tweeted.
But, retweeting an earlier post with accompanying pictures showing the hospitalised trio, Chamisa said:
“ED (moniker for President Mnangagwa), this is wrong politics.”
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