Minister of Tourism Babra Rwodzi has come under probe for calling senior police officer Assistant Inspector Last Matsa, “a dog and idiot”.

She also obstructed the course of justice in the case of Fedelis Danger who was being accused of removing opposition posters in Chirumhanzu during the 2030 general elections.

Matsa had arrested Danger, one of Rwodzi’s minions, for taking down election campaign posters of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).

This did not go well with Rwodzi, the current sitting Zanu-PF MP for Chirumhanzu who was angered by Matsa’s professional policing conduct.

Rwodzi, in the leaked three-minutes-30-seconds call recorded on July 16, charged at Matsa uttering a cocktail of obscenities threatening to finish off Matsa in front of the police Commissioner General Godwin Matanga.

Matsa, rattled by Rwodzi’s politically motivated threats, filed a police complaint on July 17 in Gweru fearing for his life and safety.

Police later issued a statement claiming that the event was being investigated, but no further information was provided.

Rwodzi in the leaked call recording labels Motsi a “dog” and a “stupid idiot.”

“I will finish this with you in front of Matanga. You’re an idiot… You think CCC will win?

“You’re a dog! You’re a dog! Go and file a complaint wherever you want, you’re a dog. Stupid,” raged Rwodzi.

Matsa has since instructed his lawyers to pursue the matter.
