President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa will attend the African Christian Council International Ordinary Ceremony in Kadoma on the 30th of March 2023 at 10 a.m.

Yesterday President Mnangagwa attended the Pastors4ED conference where he was honoured as a Minister of God.

The Conference marked the official launch of the #Pastors4ED Harare Metropolitan Province Chapter.

It also doubled as a graduation ceremony for pastors who have acquired certificates as marriage officers & commissioners of oaths, as well as the ordination of Pastors and Chaplains.

According to founding member of the Pastors for ED Movement, Evangelist
Idirashe Dongo said the initiative is meant to help servants of God to meet and venture into the
politics of the country at the same time supporting the vision of President Mnangagwa.

Dongo points out that 85.5 percent of Zimbabwe’s population are Christians, therefore church leaders must encourage their members to participate in the building of the country’s economy so.that Vision 2030 can be achieved.

”We have a part to play in building the nation’s economic, social and political spheres and this can only be achieved if we encourage people to vote for ED in the oncoming 2023 presidential
elections,” Evangelist Dongo said at the launch of a chapter in Midlands recently.

Apparently, Celebration Church Ministries International leader, Tom Deuschle, has called the pastors 4ED movement an abomination for supporting a political regime.

In a recorded video of his sermon he said: “We are seeing today Pastors being manipulated to support political ideologues that often speak and do things contrary to the will of God.”
