Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Nick Mangwana says the opposition in the country is using propaganda in order to attract outrage against Harare.

Mangwana says atrocity propaganda such as ‘stage managed abductions’ have been used to tarnish the image of the country.

“Atrocity propaganda is always deployed in Zimbabwe to score political points against this government,” he says.

The Permanent Secretary adds that within seconds after the alleged atrocity, messages are sent far and wide attracting immediate outrage against the government.

“Within seconds of such an operation being put in motion, emails are sent to certain congressmen/ women and embassies triggering immediate outrage,” he said.

Mangwana was commenting on a story ran by state controlled daily newspaper which alleges that the opposition had been faking abductions and causing terror in the country through trained militias since the turn of the millennium.

This also comes as State Security Minister Owen Ncube recently told a press conference that the opposition, working with G40 renegades has been conniving with hostile Western nations to smuggle guns and set up so-called Democratic Resistance Committees to destabilise the democratic foundations of Zimbabwe.
