There is no place like home, says old adage, and this rings true for exiled former Minister of Foreign Affairs Walter Mzembi who now misses home and says will soon be returning to Zimbabwe.

Mzembi together with other Generation 40 (G40) leaders fled the country at the height of the military coup that toppled the late former President Robert Mugabe in 2017.

Mzembi says the ZANU PF founders never chased him and his colleagues, but those who also joined the party later like him and his team chased them.

He adds that in the fullness of time the cycle will repeat itself and he will soon be coming back home.

Speaking about reports that President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa is planning to replace vice president Constantino Chiwenga, Mzembi said that grave mistake should never be repeated.

“I don’t see any Constitutional Amendment inside Zanu PF that will repeat the recklessness of replacing any male Vice President with a female Vice President.

He added: “Instead the same appetite for a Third Term for President Mnangagwa should create a Third Female Vice President for the stability of the Grand Old Party which is the only Liberation Movement in the Region that has also successfully created Exiles amongst its Ranks 44 years after Independence mimicking the Rhodesian model of exiling opponents in the process.”
