The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) has continued to distribute subsidised mealie-meal to various communities across the country, making a dramatic u-turn to its initial resolution to suspend the distribution following a 100% hike of mealie-meal prices by the Grain Marketing Board (GMB).
The lifting of the initial suspension of mealie-meal distribution was reached at following consultations between GMAZ and the millers.
In his address to members of the media fraternity after distributing 30 tonnes of the subsidised mealie-meal at Murehwa Centre yesterday, GMAZ spokesperson Garikai Chaunza (pictured above) said his association was involved in negotiations with the government over mealie-meal prices.
“Last week, we announced that we were suspending the distribution of roller meal until the finalisation of new prices announced by GMB,” said Chaunza.
“However, negotiations are underway. GMB is engaging government in as far as the price of roller meal is concerned, and we needed to finish the old stock we had,” he said.
Chaunza added that the negotiations between the millers and the government were being held in light of the view that ‘we are in business and we also want to continue.’
Recently, GMB increased maize price to millers from ZWL $6 000 per tonne to ZWL $12 400, a situation that has left the millers in a dillema. However, the subsidised mealie meal is still pegged at ZWL $70.
