Former ZANU PF Member of Parliament for Chivi South Killer Zivhu says rural folks who are starved for entertainment could be praying for sanctions imposed on the country to remain in place.

“Manje team re Dotito zvaravingwa nemagitare kudai, harisi rava kutoti dai ma sanctions aramba ariko, kuti boyz dzemagitare dzigodzokazve, kumamisha mafaro mashoma saka ma sanctions avaonesa chisionekwi kwavo,” he says.

Dotito in Mount Darwin, Mashonaland Central, will host the eagerly-awaited anti-sanctions gala on October 25.

The free gala dubbed the “Anti-Sanctions Gala,” will start at 6pm till 6am the next day.

Among the high-profile artistes that are going to perform at the gala are, Sulumani Chimbetu, Mark Ngwazi, Romeo Gasa and Andy Muridzo.

Dorcas Moyo, Chief Hwenje, Simon Mutambi and Jah Master are also going to take to the stage and remind the world about the illegal sanctions that were imposed on Zimbabwe.

Western countries including the United States of America imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe over human rights abuses.

But the Harare administration says they were imposed on the country as a punishment for having taken back its land.
