The Ministry of Health and Child Care says the public should remain vigilant against COVID-19 by keeping on wearing face masks, practice good hygiene, and maintain social distancing.

According to the Ministry, although cases have fallen drastically, the virus remains a threat.

In an interview with a local online publication CITE, Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr Douglas Mombeshora, emphasized the ongoing need for mask-wearing.

“COVID-19 is still with us, and we must continue to observe the same precautions, including wearing masks.”

The Minister expressed disappointment that the initial decrease in COVID-19 cases, attributed to vaccination efforts, was followed by a significant drop in vaccine uptake.

“We believe the decline in COVID-19 cases was largely due to vaccination. However, we are disappointed that vaccine uptake dropped significantly once cases went down,” he said.

While acknowledging a decrease in COVID-related deaths, Dr Mombeshora cautioned against complacency.

“Deaths have decreased and are not as frequent as before, but we still see occasional COVID-related fatalities,” he remarked.

He further clarified that while cases are down, they haven’t entirely disappeared.

“We can say that COVID-19 cases have decreased, but it’s crucial to understand that cases still exist,” Dr. Mombeshora stated. “We continue to encourage everyone to get vaccinated, as vaccines remain effective in protecting against the virus.”

In May last year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared that COVID-19 was no longer a public health emergency of international concern.

In August 2022, the Zimbabwean government announced that people who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 no longer need to wear face masks in public places.

Addressing a media briefing, the then Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa said the decision had been taken due to declining COVID-19 cases in the country.

Zimbabwe had witnessed a gradual decline in COVID-19 cases and deaths since the beginning of the year, resulting in the government relaxing most COVID-19 preventive measures.

Daily cases declined by 46 percent over the past week while no deaths were recorded over the past two days, Mutsvangwa said.

“Cabinet resolved that those who have received three doses of the WHO recommended vaccines are exempted from the mandatory wearing of face masks in outdoor public places but should however wear masks in indoor public places and in public transport,” Mutsvangwa said.

She said for evidence, those fully vaccinated should carry their vaccination cards all the time, while urging all provinces in the country to continue intensifying COVID-19 vaccination activities for the nation to achieve herd immunity.
