Hoardes of opposition MDC Alliance supporters are tomorrow expected to throng the Harare magistrates court for the bail hearing of three of its female youth leaders who were allegedly subjected to enforced abductions and were later found dumped and in bad shape at Muchapondwa business centre in Bindura.

Initially the trio had been charged with organising an anti-government demo in direct violation of curreny Covid19 regulations, but the state is now accusing them of faking their own abductions.
According to the party’s Secretary General Charlton Hwende, the trio’s bail hearing will be heard tomorrow at 9, in the morning.

“The bail hearing for the (three) will be at 9am tomorrow at Rotten Row. Solidarity among Zimbabweans could not be more crucial. It’s important to send a clear message to the State that when they injure one or three of us, they injure all of us,” Hwende wrote on his Twitter handle, signing off with hashtag, #Justice4OurGirls.

President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Zimbabwe Government has widely been criticized for alleged injustice on the three who include Harare West legislator Joanna Mamombe, Cecilia Chimbiri and Netsai Marova.

The three, who were hospitalised after the alleged abductions have also alleged that they were sexually assaulted by their captors.
