Football legend Memory Mucherahowa has waded into the ongoing and heated Ian Smith, Emmerson Mnangagwa debate.

This came after some opposition party members claimed that Mnangagwa is worse than Ian Smith, in response ZANU PF members accused opposition party members of loving Smith.

However, the opposition say they never said Ian Smith was good, they said Mnangagwa is worse than Smith.

Meanwhile, chipping in, Mucherahowa says to say team B played better than team A doesn’t mean one supports that team B.

He gives an example when his team Dynamos was beaten 7 zero in a yesteryear match he participated in.

“I played in this match, Caps United thumped us 7-0, when i was asked after the match i said Caps were by far better than us. But that doesn’t mean I was supporting Caps United.”

Apparently, the debate has been boiling with ZANU PF saying the opposition parties support Smith.
