Local tabloids’s reporting on the Edward Sadomba and Sherlynn saga was validated during the first day of court proceedings. Sherlynn seeks a protection order at the Harare Civil Court, hinting at possible abuse. Sadomba appeared in court with his lawyer, while Sherlynn was represented by her own.
Details from the court session suggest that the protection order includes restrictions on Sadomba’s communication with Sherlynn via WhatsApp or text messages.

This has left Sadomba in a dilemma because, as the court heard yesterday, Sherylnn has been sending him messages to open the gate for her when she comes home late.

Sadomba, through his lawyer, said:

“She wants me to communicate with her when I’m not supposed to.

“She comes home late and texts me saying I must wake up and open the gate for her.

“There are other people at the house who can open the gate for her, that is the children and maid.

“She expects me to act upon her requests immediately.

“If I fail to do so she might take this order and have me arrested and that can be used as abuse as there is a simmering divorce.”

The hint that there is a possibility the couple could be heading for divorce confirms the reporting, which H-Metro has been doing, since we broke this story last week.

Sherylnn, through her lawyer, said Sadomba must give her spare keys to the gate as he always locks it when she is away.

“He is always aware of my whereabouts and locks the gate when I’m not around.

“He is always creating a new avenue to fix me.

“He has to give me spare keys as he will not suffer any loss from it.”

The matter was postponed to Monday for a ruling.

state media