B-METRO has obtained an audio of Kudakwashe Mahachi telling his former mother-in-law that he did a paternity test in 2019 that confirmed that he is the biological father of his four-year-old son who is currently battling for his life at Mpilo Central Hospital after he was allegedly scalded with boiling water by the embattled footballer.

The DNA test, done at the University of Science and Technology (Nust), also revealed that the girl Mahachi was raising as his daughter was not his biological child.

The audio contradicts widespread social media reports that allege that Maritha Ndlovu, the mother of the scalded boy, had committed paternity fraud.

“I am sorry mama for calling you while you are at work.

How are you feeling today?

I thought I should inform you, lest you think that I am neglecting my children, that in 2019 I did a DNA test at Nust and it proves that I have one child, not two.

The child I thought was my daughter is not my daughter.

“The DNA proves that the boy is my son and not the girl.

I sent Maritha the proof.

I thought you should know and I want to send elders to visit you so that we discuss the issue,” Mahachi is heard telling his speechless former mother-in-law.

The audio also captures Mahachi volunteering to do another paternity test to prove the validity of the results to his doubtful former mother-in-law.

He said: “I wanted you to know what is happening so that you don’t wonder why I am taking care of my son and not the girl.

If they want me to do another DNA test, I will do it.

I just don’t want this child to have my surname because she is not my daughter.

“I have been good to the girl but she is not my child and I thought it is prudent for everyone to know that she is not my child.

I don’t want to have bad luck by taking care of a child that is not mine.”

Mahachi’s lawyer, Nkosiyabo Sibanda of Tanaka Law Chambers, refused to comment.

Maritha Ndlovu dismissed the paternity fraud allegations on social media as false and malicious.

“I don’t think it’s true that a DNA test has been done recently.

That is just a rumour that is being spread by people who just want to be malicious.

It is also.

I am ready for a DNA test any day to prove that Kuda is the father of my son,” she said.

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