Sometimes appearing to gather pace, sometimes appearing to come to a temporary grinding / choreographed halt, writes political analyst Brighton Mutebuka.

The political tide is clearly ebbing & flowing. In the past few weeks, we have started to see shifting political sands from Chiwengwa’s camp.

He has now started sending visibly strong signals that there won’t be an ED coronation in respect of the 2030 agenda.

At present, ED’s strategy appears to be anchored on a chorus of drum beating party structures weaponised to present an air of inevitability through chanting & singing the slogan at party rallies & events.

Chiwenga on the other hand appears to be banking more on his barely visible shadowy band of trusted brothers – the Zimbabwean version of Siloviki / deep state actors.

He appears to be executing a submarine strategy, sometimes emerging on the surface to deliver a symbolic message of defiance for his lieutenants & on others sailing away quietly towards his mission.

He’s guarded & cautious, carefully charting his course while avoiding recklessness & open confrontation.

He sees the rallies & hears the slogans & the chants, yet he remains calm & still! There’s a sense of foreboding in all this, a Coyote’s eerie howl!