Zimbabwe political activist Patson Dzamara was diagnosed with colon cancer, according to multiple sources. Patson, who is famously known for fighting for the return of his abducted brother Itai Dzamara, is seriously ill and requires donations for surgery.

Social media whistle blower Team Pachedu posted, “#ZimbabweLivesMatter Our Cde @PatsonDzamara is in great pain and in need of your support. He has asked us to help raise US$28,000.00 for Cancer treatment. Help us help him , we will account for every Cent. gogetfunding.com/patson-dzamara

The bad news was  also shared by Dzamara’s acquaintance Kuda Musasiwa on Twitter and he asked for prayers.

Wrote Musasiwa

Last week i went to see my brother@PatsonDzamara who is sadly battling an aggressive form of Adenocarcinoma colon cancer. Now that it’s become public, let’s keep him and his family in our prayers as he goes though this in the Zimbabwean health system

This flag campaigner Evan Mawarire also shared the news on social media,

Last week I visited my friend & brother Patson Dzamara⁩ who was very ill & in pain. It’s now confirmed that he has colon cancer. I ask for yo support as we start thru ⁦@PacheduZW⁩ to raise funds 4 urgent surgery. You will be well good soldier #ZimbabweanLivesMatter. 

Patson Dzamara himself has not openly revealed his condition but in the recent weeks, he hinted that he had been feeling unwell.

Wrote Dzamara at some point.

Spent last night moving from one medical facility to another for medical attention. Saw frail and hopeless people. Saw people in pain. Saw people crying after losing their loved ones. One person in the next room died. You are still alive and well? Be grateful and make it count.