Parliament of Zimbabwe sensitization teams have been deployed around the country ahead of the 2025 budget consultations rallying up communities to attend these public hearing gatherings so as to get their voices heard.

One such team recently held a meeting with Mwenezi RDC CEO Chivanga and Mwenezi DDC Mutambara.

The CEO promised to distribute fliers and share information with the Councilors during the full Council meeting scheduled for Friday 20 September 2024.

The team went on to stick posters and distribute fliers to the local community. The Team also held a fruitful meeting with Masvingo DDC who went on to put the poster on the notice board as demonstration of his commitment.

The team also visited Mucheke Hall where consultations are going to be conducted.

The venue is suitable to accommodate participants and is also accessible by the people living with disabilities.

On Day 3 in Uzumba Maramba Pfungwe, Team A had a engaged with key stakeholders and community leaders.

They met with representatives from various ministries, including the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Youth, Public Service Commission, Social Development, Civil Registry and Home Affairs, as well as the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and District Development Committee.

Later that day, the team put up posters at the Market Place in Mutawatawa Growth Point and interacted with vendors about the forthcoming consultations.

The 2025 National Budget Consultations, will take place on October 3, 2024.
