Renowned Zimbabwean economic analyst Professor Gift Mugano says the only way to defend the local currency Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) is to build a productive economy.


“The ONLY way to defend our currency is to build a highly productive economy. Without production our currency inosvasvangwa.


“This is why I said that ZiG will not make it because we don’t have comprehensive policies to foster a highly productive & competitive economy,” he says.


Mugano adds that Neither Southern African Development Community (SADC) nor Western countries will help Zimbabwe to address her challenges pointing out that she is on her own.


He writes:


I watched the SADC summit with keen interest and came to one conclusion:

SADC leaders are one (they are brothers) – they will not turn against each other.


To make matters worse, President @edmnangagwa is now in charge of SADC. Honestly, do we really think that he will convene a SADC meeting to discuss Zimbabwe elections?


There is no remedy which will come from SADC. It is crystal clear even for the blind people to see that SADC will not interfere in the internal matters of our beloved country.


Likewise, western leaders’ hands are full – the Russia – Ukraine war & Gaza war are enough headaches for the western countries. Zimbabwe’s internal challenges are not a priority.


Folks, please smell the coffee. Let us challenge our intellectual abilities. If we are really educated as we claim we must know we are on our own. In the same vein, we must know that we can’t resolve our internal problems through demonstration against an equipped state!!!


The only option we have is to pursue inclusive national dialogue, unite, peace, love one another and build our beloved country.

