President Mnangagwa at State House, welcoming defectors

Former cabinet minister, Jonathan Moyo says National Oil Infrastructure Company (NOIC) Board Chairperson Daniel Mackenzie Ncube is being used by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to buy defectors from the opposition party, particularly MDC-Alliance.

NOIC is a government entity that is in the business of pipeline transportation of petroleum products as well as storage and handling in the Company’s depots. By being a state entity, NOIC is subject to receiving budgetary support.

The Company has fuel depots in strategic sites around the country, namely Bulawayo, Mutare, Beitbridge, Msasa and Mabvuku.

NOIC has blending facilities at its depots and undertakes blending services on behalf of its clients.

Meanwhile, according to Moyo, Ncube is Mnangagwa’s focal point in buying defectors for him. Moyo says Ncube’s move was recently rejected by Abednico Bhebhe, who has rejoined MDC-A from the other MDC faction.

“DANIEL MACKENZIE NCUBE, Chairman of NOIC (Pvt) Ltd Board of Directors and ZANU-PF Midlands provincial Chairman, is Mnangagwa’s key money-man for buying defectors from the MDC in the Midlands and Matabeleland provinces.

“He was recently rebuffed by Abednico Bhebhe, who’s rejoined MDC-A!” says Moyo.

The recent months have seen a number of MDC-Alliance senior members crossing the floor to join the ruling ZANU-PF party.

The defectors were subject to public parading, as President Mnangagwa used his official residence, State House to show them off to the nation.

The ruling party has since implored its structures to embrace senior opposition members who are defecting to join it.

Secretary for Security in the Zanu PF politburo, Lovemore Matuke, recently cautioned party members against victimisation and denigrating those who are joining the revolutionary party from the opposition.
