Following an upsurge in crimes committed by people using unregistered vehicles the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has instructed the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (Zera) to ensure that vehicles without registration numbers do not access fuel at filling stations.
In a statement, police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said 73 cases including rape and robbery have been recorded since the beginning of the year by drivers of such vehicles.
“Police have observed that some vehicles being driven with no registration number plates and involved in the commission of crime throughout the country. We have engaged Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority to ensure that vehicles with no registration number plates do not fill up at fuel service stations after some have been reported to be driving away without settling bills,” said Asst Comm Nyathi.
He said police have launched a blitz on unregistered vehicles which are dominating crime scenes.
“Members of the public are advised that in terms of the Vehicle Registration and Licensing Act it is an offence for one to fail to register a motor vehicle with the relevant authorities or fail to display a registration mark or number. The police are therefore conducting an operation throughout the country to ensure that all vehicles moving on the roads are duly registered and have either permanent or temporary number plates,” he added.
He urged motorists to cooperate with police to avoid inconveniences.
“All vehicles with no number plates will be impounded and only released after going through the stipulated registration process,” he said.