Three people died after being struck by lightning in Chimanimani.

Tragedy struck on Thursday near Machongwe, Chimanimani East when lightning struck and killed three people Miriam Mtetwa, her daughter Tariro and Dorothy Muterei in an incident that also burnt a house and also killed three dogs.

In an interview at the burial of two of the victims, Chimanimani rural ward 14 councilor Johanne Ndiyama and a villager Eliot Machikichi said the deceased were severely burnt.

“The lightning killed three people while a woman and two kids survived. It also killed three dogs. The deceased were severely burnt,” he said.

George Tukutire who is brother to the late Miriam said the news of the tragic incident shocked the whole family as people never imagined burying a mother and daughter on the same day.

Miriam left seven children with the situation complicated by the death of her husband a few years ago.

“Miriam was now the only parent for her children after the passing on of her husband. The family is deeply saddened by the loss,” said Mr Tukutire.

There is consensus, with the increase on the number of cases of lighting more awareness is needed on the dos and don’ts during rainy seasons. zbc