Netone chief executive officer Lazarus Muchenje and his six alleged accomplices have been granted $3 000 bail each by magistrate Lazini Ncube.

They are accused of criminal abuse of office or alternatively contravening the Postal and Telecommunications (International Telecommunications Rates) involving over US$1 million.

Muchenje is charged alongside Netone interconnection and roaming manager Tawanda Sibanda (49), acting chief Finance officer Tinashe Severa (43), and chief technology officer Darlington Gutu (53).

The list also include, chief operating officer Spencer Manguwa (43), acting head of legal Tanyaradzwa Chingombe (28)and former board member Paradzayi Chakona (56).

Meanwhile, one of the accused persons Shamaine Kedenhe (29) a legal intern at the time when the offence was allegedly committed and has since left Netone, was released on $700 bail.

Feared as flight risks, as part of their bail conditions, the group was ordered to report once a week to the police, surrender passports and not to interfere with witnesses.

They were remanded to June 2 and one of their lawyers Arshiel Mugiya revealed that they would file an application challenging placement on remand on the next court date.