Exiled former cabinet minister Jonathan Moyo says Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) president Nelson Chamisa is creating false propaganda with regards to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) observer mission report on the recently held elections in Zimbabwe.

Moyo says Chamisa is now misleading people with misguided propaganda.

Moyo writes:

“In line with what has become its routine use of mendacity as propaganda, CCC Chamisa has posted a thread on X [formerly Twitter] with six posts, one of which falsely claims that:

“…the SADC Heads of State and Government approved the SADC Election Observation Mission (SEOM) report on Zimbabwe’s recent elections.”

As stated by Moyo, Chamisa’s full post says:

“Despite the Harare regime’s propaganda, sustained intimidation, attacks on regional actors, and efforts to avoid discussing Zimbabwe, the SADC Heads of State and Government approved the SADC Election Observation Mission (SEOM) report on Zimbabwe’s recent elections.

“The report accurately documented the numerous irregularities that occurred before, during, and after the August elections, which did not meet domestic (Electoral Law and Constitution) and regional (SADC Principles and Guidelines) standards for democratic elections.

However, Moyo posits that Chamisa is blatantly and shamelessly not telling the truth.

“The truth is that the Communique of the Extraordinary SADC
summit in Luanda, Angola, on 4 November 2023 said the following under paragraph 9:

“Summit received an update on the elections in the SADC Member States and noted the report of the SADC Election Observation Mission to the Harmonised Elections in the Republic of Zimbabwe held in August 2023, and the General Elections in the Kingdom of Eswatini in September 2023.”

Moyo adds that nowhere does the Communique of the Sadc Extraordinary Summit say the heads of states and government “approved” the report, CCC Chamisa’s wishful thinking and lie.

He further adds that SEOM reports are never for approval by Sadc, they’re invaiably for noting.
