Independent presidential candidate and exiled former Zanu PF cabinet minister, Saviour Kasukuwere has described incumbent Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa as a ‘clown’ who has reduced the State House into a den of robbers and fraudsters.

Kasukuwere, who fled the country following a military coup that dethroned the late former president Robert Mugabe and replaced him with Mnangagwa during the dramatic political events of November 2017, chastised Mnangagwa, saying:

“Bringing a clown into the Palace does not make him a King. Instead it turns the Palace into a Circus”.

In a post made on his official campaign page on Twitter, Kasukuwere added that:

“Mnangagwa has reduced State House into a den of robbers and fraudsters. Corruption, cronysm, loooting, and unimaginable cruelty against opposition are the order of day. Enough!”

The former Youth and Indegenisation minister who was a key figure of the vanquished G40 cabal in the ruling Zanu PF is one of the 11 aspirants vying for the presidency in the 2023 Harmonized Elections slated for 23 August.

Below, we publish some of the reactions to Kasukuwere’s post.

Read on:

Kasukuwere anongokungurukawo zvake! Lmao– Chairman H. Chitepo

Thts th bold step we hv been looking forward frm u.Hammer th nail frm th head for th best of results. Now tht u hv decided to eat a dog go for a bulldog.Mwashurai nepakati chinhu icho Mukoma. Th party is not his en will nvr be his full stop– Prosper Zuze

This is a planned thing, KS is here to divide votes for CCC.– Edwin

Keep on telling them the truth– Johnson G

Tayaura muZimbabwe Nehanda nyakasikana– Sekuru Ndoo

Iwewe ndiwe mbavha hombe chaiyo, can you explain to nation where you get 25 million to build that mansion– Bravo

Yes, Mr President. A serial killer occupied State House– The Big Husband
