The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has been notified on the planned demonstrations to be held countrywide on the 17th of August, reports Change Radio.


The demonstrations are being led by the Concerned Citizens of Zimbabwe.


Commenting on the need to notify police of any planned protests, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi said notifying the authorities is a required formality.


He said notifying police is not seeking permission, but only a required formality.


“Their prerogative is not to say yes or no. We are merely informing them not asking them for permission which permission is already granted in the constitution,” he said.

He added: “I have seen many questioning why we are notifying the police about our intentions to hold peaceful marches.


That is what the law requires and the standard procedure for conducting marches and gatherings in terms of the laws of Zimbabwe.


It is important to demonstrate beyond any shadow of doubt that we are law abiding citizens and that our actions are not subversive, and to show the world that it is the regime that is refusing to allow what our laws provide for not us carrying out unlawful or subversive actions.


When we have followed all the requirements of the law and our marches are denied, we can then say we have done everything possible to follow the law.


The regime must state clearly if there is some form of state of emergency, suspension of the constitution or rights of Citizens so that we know.


Last but not least, if Citizens then resort to other means to express themselves outside the ones stated in the constitution, it will be beyond our control as leadership. We would have done the best we could to express the wishes of the Citizens of Zimbabwe.


It is not a weakness but a strength to follow the law and to insist on the rights construed from the law. Anybody who habours any idea to stifle the rights of the Citizens must and will be fiercely opposed, resisted and challenged!

