Zimbabwe’s main opposition party Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) led by Nelson Chamisa has won the by-elections in Bulilima’s Ward 1 and Ward 16 in Matebeleland out 3.

The 6 month old party won the wards against all odds of unfairness including suppressed voter registration and a blocking of rallies.

The three vacancies arose in Bulilima (Ward 1, 14 and 16) following the resignation of two ZANU-PF councillors, Tonny Mlotshwa and Ntungamili Dube and the death of Delani Mabhena, who also belonged to the ruling party.

Aspiring candidates participating in the by-elections are from the ruling ZANU-PF and opposition parties the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) and ZAPU.

Party president Chamisa described it as a big win.

“THANK YOU BULILIMA..A BIG WIN against all odds, CCC won 2/3 of the wards previously held by Zpf in yesterday’s by-elections.We’re a CITIZENS MOVEMENT.Thanks to our ground forces,the Change Champions. Kudos to diaspora for the support.All glory be to God!” He says.
