Norton independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has taken a swipe at ZANU-PF’s strategist for leading the party astray by upsetting civil servants ahead of critical polls.

Mliswa calls the move a poor one.

“Who is the strategist for ZANU-PF? You are going towards elections and you are busy fighting the whole civil service. It’s a poor move totally.

He says being heavy-handed and gross in applying power only works for so long, it can grease the leaders’ egos in the short term but ultimately it’s not a sustainable system to run a country with.

“By its attack on teachers Govt has chosen to sacrifice a whole generation by refusing it decent education. It’s even worse with the current Covid disruptions.

“When the professionals start leaving the country you complain about brain drain. What foolish man can ever do that?” He adds.
