“Good folks. Fellow Citizens I am happy to inform you that I have been appointed a Director at the Centre for African Governance and Development at the Durban University of Technology,” he says.

Mugano, Ph.D., is a trade economist with over nine years extensive experience ranging from research & publications, policy analysis, trade negotiations, advocacy, lecturing and consultancy.

He represented Zimbabwe at forums of trade negotiations and investment missions abroad (Heads of State and Government Summits, Council of Ministers, Senior Officials of Trade ) at regional and multilateral levels in Belgium, Switzerland, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Botswana, China and South Korea.

Apparently, CAGD housed in the Faculty of Management Sciences at Durban University of Technology is a research Centre.

The aim of CAGD is to enhance scholarship in governance and development in both public and private institutions at the continental, regional and local levels through collaborations and partnerships to achieve excellence.

In order to achieve the above, research under the CAGD would focus on the monitoring and critical evaluation of relevant systems, policies, programmes, projects and protocols on the continent, regions and local levels.

Postgraduate student studying under the CAGD will obtain qualifications in their selected departments, however the study will focus as stated above.
