Political watchers say the prompt release of ZANU-PF Gokwe-Nembudziya Member of Parliament Mayor Wadyajena exposes the country’s judiciary system.

They Wadyajena was given bail when others are denied allegedly for political reasons.

Bishop Ancelimo Magaya says:

“So Justice Wadyanjena is out on bail just like Mupfumiri Obadiah Moyo and other corrupt ED cronies.

“Sikala, Sithole and others wallow in prison being denied bail ; the doings of a rogue state and its arms.”

Makomborero Haruzivishe says:

“It shows that ours is an unjust society and our justice system is biased and highly unfair.

“The same speed which @JusticeMayorW got bail must be universal for all including me who spend a whole year in prison fighting for bail, for
@OMasaraure, @JobWiwa
& the Nyatsime 16.”

Norton Independent Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa says:

“The prompt release of Wadyajena in his corruption case, when juxtaposed with the continued unjust incarceration of Job Sikhala shows that the justice system is about who you are and what money you have. It’s not even about the crime you have committed.”

Meanwhile, the justice system stands accused of treating suspects differently depending on political inclination.
