Exiled former Minister of Foreign Affairs Walter Mzembi says the time for liberation parties in office is over or coming to an end soon for those still in power.

He says organisations such as political parties do expire just like people leading them, unless they re-generate and accept renewal.

Mzembi writes:

It is clear most Liberation Parties have come to the END of their Shelf life, those that still have a life in them have reformulated themselves by invoking
“High Command” voting but even this will not hold for too long.

Organisations, Political Parties in this instance do expire like the human life leading them, and unless they seek to regenerate, and not fear renewal they surely will DIE.

Renewal is a natural progression. In the terminal state of Revolutionary Parties the only answer is Regeneration and Renewal and this is neither sexually transmitted nor an inheritance.

A modernisation agenda steeped in founding values will bring to the fore a successor cadreship. A key word underpinning the survival of Liberation Movements shall be Meritocracy.

Embrace merit, don’t hate excellence. Building organisations investing in mediocrity, gossip & chicanery, buying support in fraudulent primaries and opaque processes is not gonna be sustainable.

There is a pushback on this political culture and Botswana has just shown us How. The modern alternative will sweep away entitlement.
Goodnight Cdes!