The People’s Democratic Party (PDP) faction led by Gorden Moyo has fired party leader Tendai Biti.

Former Kuwadzana MP and PDP National Chairperson Lucia Matibenga is reportedly now in charge.

Moyo, a former Minister of State Enterprises and Parastatals in the Government of National Unity, has been at loggerheads with Biti over a decision to join the MDC Alliance led by Morgan Tsvangirai and instead favours an alliance with Joice Mujuru’s National People’s Party (NPP).

 Last week Moyo addressed a press conference in Bulawayo alongside Zapu president Dumiso Dabengwa and officials from NPP after they had registered as voters, suggesting the fledgling party had formed its own alliance with the two leaders.

At the time Biti shot back saying Moyo had no authority to enter into coalition agreements on PDP’s behalf. “I am the president of the party and no one except me has the authority to do that and if there are any rogue officials doing that, we will deal with them accordingly,” Biti charged.

PDP spokesman Jacob Mafume last week said “That (PDP is not part to the MDC Alliance) is a piece of fiction. We are fully-committed to the to the MDC Alliance.