Veteran Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga is set to file court papers at the Supreme Court, challenging President-elect William Ruto’s controversial win.

Odinga is expected to file the papers this morning challenging the Presidential results announced by the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) which declared Ruto the winner.

Meanwhile, four IEBC Commissioners who refuted Wafula Chebukati’s Presidential Election Results just confirmed that they will in deed, file affidavits in support of Odinga and his Azimio La Umoja petition at the Supreme Court of Kenya.

Azimio la Umoja expected to file a petition on the presidential election at the Supreme Court of Kenya by 2:00. In line with set constitutional deadline for filing a petition. After, Azimio is expected to serve respondents within 1 day, then have 4 days to file their responses.

The Supreme Court has up to 4 September to hear the matter.
