SOUTH AFRICA: The story of the Umhlali Preparatory School grade one pupil, 6-year-old Zimbabwean girl Alexia Nyamadzawo, who was allegedly abducted and killed over the weekend has taken a new twist  after police arrested  the girl’s 42-year-old mother, Fungai Nyamadzawo,  in connection with the crime.

She is being charged with murder, defeating the ends of justice, kidnapping and perjury.

The accused appeared briefly in the Umhali Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday and was remanded in custody to June 10. National Prosecuting Authority spokesperson Natasha Kara said no further details could be divulged at this point, as investigations are currently underway.

The arrest follows social media speculation that surfaced earlier this week linking Nyamadzawo to the crime. However, SAPS spokesperson, Brigadier Jay Naicker dismissed the reports earlier.

‘Unfortunately, we cannot divulge any further information as our investigations are at a sensitive stage. We are also concerned with reports on social media that have the potential to jeopardise our investigations.
‘We condemn those that hinder police work by posting sensitive information concerning the investigation on social media,’ said Brig Naicker.

Reports published earlier claim that Alexia was allegedly snatched from the back seat of her mother’s car on Sunday.

According to a statement given by Alexia’s mother, the incident occurred in a split second after she slowed down her vehicle at a speed hump near Shakaskraal, north of Durban.  An unknown man allegedly opened the door of the vehicle and snatched the girl, who was sleeping in the rear seat. Out of fear, the mother panicked and drove off and reported the matter to the police.

The grade one pupil’s corpse was only found on Tuesday after police launched a search. At the time that they made the tragic discovery, the search had entered its third day.

Fungai was remanded in custody until June 10 for further investigation.

Also in court was the woman’s husband, who was the child’s father.


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