By Hopewell Chin’ono

This is Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, the biggest publicly run medical centre in Zimbabwe.

It is literally rotting, endangering the lives of its patients.

This used to be one of the best hospitals in Southern and Central Africa.

It is supposed to be the best public hospital in Zimbabwe, but under ZANUPF and President Mnangagwa, it has collapsed—just like the entire public health system.

The people responsible for this steal public funds daily to fund their champagne lifestyles buying houses in Dubai and South Africa.

They have done so for decades, and now everything has stopped working!

The Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, once a beacon of healthcare in Southern and Central Africa, has become a significant symbol of decline under the ZANUPF government and President Mnangagwa.

Its deteriorating conditions are indicative of a broader collapse of the country’s public health system and state owned enterprises known as parastatals in Zimbabwe.

I have repeatedly reported about the severe lack of functional medical equipment, including critical radiotherapy machines, and a dire shortage of resources, making it difficult for hospitals to provide meaningful essential treatment services.

The whole of Harare’s public health system only has 12 working dialysis machines, it is a mess!