False Accusations on Social Media Threaten Young Couple’s Marriage Amid Church Scandal

The marriage of a young couple is teetering on the brink of disaster as baseless accusations spread on social media falsely implicated the wife in an alleged affair with a United Methodist Church leader, the late Reverend Oscar Mukahanana, who tragically took his own life in the wake of a scandalous revelation.

Reverend Oscar Mukahanana’s suicide was precipitated by the exposure of his involvement with a congregant, a sordid affair that became public through the church’s WhatsApp group.

Now, Melody Rutendo Gambiza’s newlywed life has been tumultuously disrupted as her name was wrongly ensnared in the controversy, an act attributed to ill-intentioned individuals, dubbed “HATERS” by her close associates, who have embroiled her in the turmoil currently afflicting the church.

Sources disclosed that certain individuals even resorted to issuing threats against her, with such threats being circulated on the church’s WhatsApp groups. Melody and her husband had only celebrated their wedding a mere month ago.

One of the church’s WhatsApp groups is flooded with images of Melody, while those behind her unwarranted attack claim that she was the one involved in an adulterous relationship with the deceased clergyman.

Reports also suggested that Melody has sought legal counsel as the mounting pressure takes its toll. There were rumors that her mobile phone was seized by individuals seeking to verify the veracity of these speculations.

One of the messages in circulation reads: “Melody akaenda here kunobata maiguru mawoko?” (“Did Melody go to hold her aunt’s hand?”).

Sources conveyed their deep dismay at the unjust attack on Melody, stating, “This is profoundly disheartening because it is the machination of individuals who have chosen to tarnish an innocent person’s reputation. There is absolutely no truth to these allegations, and it is regrettable that a woman of integrity and recent bride has to endure this ordeal.”

“She chose marriage as a testament to her beliefs and values, and it is disheartening that unfounded accusations have besmirched her name. She has suffered immensely since these false WhatsApp messages began circulating. Unfortunately, she is powerless in the face of these fabrications.”

Melody previously served as the church’s Harare East youth president and is an active member of the Zimre Park Circuit.