Former Foreign Affairs minister Walter Mzembi has warned officials from taking orders that contravenes rule of law and Constitution.

He says people should learn from history especially that of Germany’s Adolf Hitler who after being cornered went on to commit suicide, leaving his officials to face prosecution.

“Nuremberg Trials’ post WW2, the leader Hitler took the coward way out by committing suicide, those who took orders from him were arrested and put on trial.

“Their primary defence was we were taking orders. Moral values remain your own.

“At personal level you should determine which line to cross or not to cross, because those who you think will be there to protect you will not be there.

“Those that think they are following orders, your orders stop where your conscience says ENOUGH no more, don’t cross that line.

“In the end there is always the gnashing of teeth and those without teeth they shall be be provided,” he says.

His comments comes after police officers tortured Citizens Coalition for Change members after arresting them.

The said opposition members were arrested for allegedly conducting a meeting to promote violence.

However, according to them, they had gathered to commemorate Father’s Day.
