Disqualified presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere has warned Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Information Publicity and Broadcasting Services Nick Mangwana not to get involved when he is fighting with President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Mangwana invited trouble to himself when he responded to Kasukuwere’s advice to former Mozambican President Joachim Chisano whom he says should not put himself at cross hairs with the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Observer Mission.

Chisano had lambasted the SADC Observer Mission for not endorsing the just ended sham elections in Zimbabwe, and Kasukuwere says it was not good for the former Mozambican President to act that way. Kasukuwere also urged Chisano to give his friend President Emmerson Mnangagwa sound advice.

But in response Mangwana said Kasukuwere is bitter with Mnangagwa’s successes.

“You hatred of ED obfuscates all objectivity. You’re hurting over his success and victory. That’s understandable but muchapora Henyu Bambo,” says.

However, Kasukuwere warned Mnangagwa that he should stay away when elephants are fighting.

“Nick don’t get involved! This is high stakes politics! Waita mutete,” Kasukuwere warned.

According to Kasukuwere Chissano’s statement praising the just ended elections and his comments towards SADC observer mission is insincere.

“In what capacity did he come to attend to Zimbabwe? He is an elder who should not take sides in Zimbabwe. He should not put himself at crossroads with the OM because he is a respected elder, it does not give him the right to undermine SOEM.

“We have sought audience with him and he is not available. Why does he think Zimbabwe belongs to Emmerson. His friendship with ED is legendary but we take a grave exception to him poking his nose in our issues. Either he becomes a honest broker or he risks dragging himself into the chaos.

“Pres Chissano should stay from Zimbabwe if he has nothing to contribute. We respect him but we are gravely disappointed in his actions and taking a one sided approach to issues.

“Pres Chissano should avail himself to helping Zimbabwe overcome the corrupt and cruel administration of Emmerson. Either he listens to all the people being affected by his friends cruel rule and tribalism. This is unprecented behaviour by a senior regional leader,” says Kasukuwere.
