A Shurugwi man recently went on rampage demanding se_x from the spouse of a neighbour whom he suspected of having an affair with his wife.
Emmanuel Bhebhe (31) from Donga Chachacha under Chief Banga on June 7, 2018 demanded se_x from Twoboy Mabhonga’s (41) wife after accusing the latter of having an affair with his spouse.
It is the State case that on June 7, 2018 at 4am at Donga stands Chachacha, Bhebhe went to Mabhonga’s place and demanded to sleep with his wife.
He knocked the door and no one opened and he hit the wooden door with a machete and it fell to the ground.
Mabhonga had to call the Police for assistance.
Bhebhe was sentenced to 210 hours of community service for entering Mabhonga’s house without permission and breaking his door. The matter was before Shurugwi resident magistrate Sangster Tavengwa.
Jaile for cheated man(31) after he demanded to sleep with his neighbour’s wife in broad daylight