Tragedy struck when three Mandigo family members were allegedly shot to death by one, Takadu Magwiro following a dispute over allegations of stolen maize, rapoko and groundnuts in Buhera.

The gruesome murder resembles a horror movie that has left families and friends shell shocked.

The tragic incident took place at Marindire village under Chief Makumbe at around mid-day on Sunday after a dispute between Mangwiro (68) and his domestic helper, Farai Mandingo over allegations of stolen maize, rapoko and groundnuts.

The accused is said to have expelled his domestic worker together with his wife and two daughters who continued to stay at the accused person’s residents.

On the fateful, an argument ensued which turned violent as Magwiro turned one of his riffles on his domestic worker but missed him.

The complainant is said to have fled to report the case at ZRP Murambinda where it is further revealed that while making the report he received news to the effect that his wife, Portia (33) and her two children, Sharon (4) and Lisa (1) had been shot dead.

In a statement, ZRP Chief Staff Officer Press and Public Relations, Senior Assistant Commissioner Charity Charamba said violence is never a solution to disputes and condemned the brutal killing of the three innocent souls.

She warned the public not to take the law into their own hands but to refer disputes to the police for mediation.

state media