Harare, Zimbabwe – A Harare woman appeared in court yesterday on charges of stealing US$107,000 from her Chinese employer, Mey Sisi Lin. The accused, Marvelous Mapfumo, allegedly shared the stolen money with two police officers, Hebert Chikwiza and Paul Kondo, who are currently on the run.

Prosecutors detailed how Mapfumo, on May 30, 2024, stole the money in Highlands, Harare. Following the theft, she allegedly distributed the funds with Chikwiza and Kondo, who promised to protect her.

On June 12, 2024, detectives from CID Nkulumane, Bulawayo, acting on tips from informants, apprehended Mapfumo as she attempted to flee to South Africa via Botswana. Upon her arrest, she implicated the two officers as accomplices.

Newsday investigations revealed that the trio convened at a lodge in Waterfalls, where they divided the stolen money. Chikwiza and Kondo took US$60,000, while Mapfumo received US$47,000. However, Chikwiza subsequently took Mapfumo’s share for safekeeping, fearing they were being tracked by detectives.

The court heard that Kondo later took Mapfumo to his girlfriend’s house in Sunningdale, restricting her communication while he planned her escape to South Africa.

Mapfumo has been remanded in custody until next Monday. The case continues to unfold as authorities search for the two fugitive officers. The State is represented by Rufaro Chonzi.