The Government General Notice 635 2023 which practically subverts the constitution and public morality to ensure government avoids transparency and accountability in public affairs through opaque procurement processes, hence brazenly promoting corruption and looting has been gazetted.

Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government has taken an unprecedented decision under the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Act to hide from the public and the taxpayers how government – using taxpayers’ money – buys or disposes construction equipment and materials, biomedical and medical equipment, medicines and drugs (pharmaceuticals), vehicles including ambulances, laboratory equipment, chemicals and accessories, hospitals protective equipment and their repairs or maintenance and machinery.

This opaque way of running of running public affairs is said to be in the “national interest” even though it is evidently designed to protect government and its officials in the money-spinning procurement process from public scrutiny and accountability.

According to analysts, this inevitably creates a breeding for corruption which becomes almost official policy through this.

Instead of openly promoting transparency and accountability in public procurement, the move promotes opaqueness, shady deals and corruption, which government ironically claims is in the “national interest”.

Essentially, Mnangagwa’s move goes against the values of the constitution, public morality and the its avowed anti-corruption campaign.

This comes in the aftermath of Gold Mafia which exposed top government officials and their cronies, including Mnangagwa, as well as underworld business operators over gold smuggling, money laundering and corruption issues, including a conspiracy to commit financial crimes.
