Cabinet has approved Principles of the Private Investigators Security Guards (Control) Bill, the minister of information, publicity and broadcasting services has disclosed during post cabinet briefing.
The exponential growth of the security sector and technology advancements necessitated amendment of the Principles of the Private Investigators & Security Guards (Control) Act [Chapter 27:10).
The Act to provide for the appointment of a Controller of Private Investigators and Security Guards; for the licensing and certain duties of private investigators and security guards; for the approval and certain duties of, and temporary permission to engage, certain employees of private investigators; and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
For the purposes of this Act, a person who is an officer of a company which is a licensed security guard shall be deemed to be employed by the company. 3. Meaning of “private investigator” (1) In this Act, subject to this section— “private investigator” means a person who, either by himself or in partnership with any other person, carries on a business whereby, at the request of any person as a client of the business and not as a member of the public or any section thereof and for reward, he obtains or seeks for any person or supplies to any person any information relating to—
(a) the personal actions, behaviour or character; or (b) the financial position; or (c) the business or occupation; or (d) the identity or whereabouts; of any other person or to suspected.
Appointment of Controller of Private Investigators and Security Guards. There shall be an officer to be known as the Controller of Private Investigators and Security Guards whose office shall be a public office and form part of the Public Service for the purposes assigned to such officer by or in terms of this Act and for such other purposes as the Minister may determine.
Part II – Private investigators 6. Private investigators to be licensed (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, a person shall not, after the expiry of a period of three months from the date of commencement of this Act, be a private investigator unless he is the holder of a private investigators licence.