By Patrick Chinamasa

Commending the President and First Secretary of ZANU-PF, His Excellency, Cde. Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa’s leadership;

Observing the significant strides made by the President and First Secretary of ZANU-PF, His Excellency, Cde. Dr. Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa, in transforming the economy;

Recognising the positive impact on the nation’s sustainable economic growth;

Acknowledging the efforts towards industrialisation, modernisation and enhancing service delivery and prioritising sustainable development across all key sectors;

Conscious of the importance of attaining Vision 2030 through the judicious implementation of the National Development Strategy 1 (NDS1) and attendant policies as guiding frameworks for socio-economic development;

Reaffirming ZANU PF’s commitment to supporting policies that ensure continued progress and transformation of the livelihoods of the citizenry.

Grateful to the President and First Secretary of ZANU PF, His Excellency, Cde. Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa, for the extraordinary philanthropy of the First Lady Cde. Dr. A. Mnangagwa;

Congratulating the President and First Secretary of ZANU PF, His Excellency, Cde. Dr. E.D. Mnangagwa, on assuming the Chairmanship of Southern African Development Community (SADC). His visionary and astute leadership will further strengthen regional integration, socio-economic cooperation and collective development across the region and beyond.

NOW THEREFORE, the Delegates to the ZANU PF 21st National People’s Conference resolve as follows:

A. State of the Party

1 the President and First Secretary of ZANU PF Party, His Excellency, Cde. Dr E. D. Mnangagwa’s term of office as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe and First Secretary of ZANU PF be extended beyond 2028 to 2030.

The Party and Government should, therefore, set in motion the necessary amendments to the National Constitution so as to give effect to this resolution;
2 the Party and Government should establish a comprehensive framework that ensures the operationalisation of the principle of Party Supremacy over Government;

3 the Chitepo School of Ideology should decentralise its training programmes to Administrative Districts for the benefit of Party Members, Government employees, private sector and the general populace;

4 the Party’s Conflict Resolution Committee should be proactive and come up with programmes that detect, resolve and mitigate conflict within the Party;
5 the Party should expedite the digitalisation of its Cell /Village Registers to ensure credible Party Voters Rolls during Party elections so as to minimise election related disputes;

6 the Government prioritises the employment of National Youth Service graduates who have the requisite qualifications;
7 the Party District Executive Committee Chairmen be allocated motor cycles to effectively enhance their mobility in executing Party programmes;

8 the Party amends the Party Constitution to recognise Non-Combatant Cadres and War Collaborators as categories forming part of the Veterans of the Liberation Struggle;
9 1st July of each year be declared a Public Holiday in honour of the late Hon. Vice President, Cde. Dr. Joshua Nyongolo Mqabuko Nkomo;

10 political returnees from the opposition be integrated into the Party after following proper procedures thereby ensuring their progressive ascendency in the Party Structures;
11 Party internal election processes should strive to achieve the implementation of the 50-50 Gender Equality Policy;

12 the Party should create a level political field to allow women access to positions of authority, within the Party, in Government and in other institutions;
13 the Party establishes Information Desks at each District Coordinating Committee Offices;
14 attendance at the Chitepo School of Ideology sessions be encouraged for all members of ZANU PF; and
15 Nhanga/ Gota/ Ixhiba programmes be supported by the Party.

The Party directs Government to:

B. State of the Economy

Macroeconomic Stability
16 take robust measures to strengthen the purchasing power of the Zimbabwe Gold currency (ZiG) and entrench its usage;

17 expedite efforts to de-dollarise the economy and promote the use of the ZiG as the country’s sole currency;
18 promote the wider circulation of the ZiG currency and its availability in all denominations;

19 curb money laundering, speculation and arbitrage on the parallel market, including the criminalisation of the activities of economic saboteurs, errant manufacturers, retailers and other service providers as well as prescribing deterrent penalties;
20 synchronise, harmonise and coordinate all fiscal and monetary policies in order to stabilise the economy;

21 implement a robust zero tolerance legal framework against corruption;
22 formulate a set of incentives and other support measures to promote indigenous participation in the mining sector;
23 amend the legislation on Exclusive Prospecting Orders (EPOs) in order to allow other players to prospect in the area covered by the EPO;

24 enforce the policy of “Use it or Lose it” in order to inhibit mining entities from holding mining claims for speculative purposes;

25 develop and implement a robust programme to revive all closed down mines through modern technologies, innovation and funding frameworks;
26 ensure that land owners in resettlement areas are given “the right of first refusal” in mining claims;

27 revoke non-operational special grants in mining to give other potential investors with the relevant capacity an opportunity to work on the grants;
28 ensure that investors are incentivised to purchase raw materials from local producers;

29 ensure that the Mutapa Investment Fund is strategically structured and operationalised to resuscitate and capacitate State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) so as to increase their contribution to the National GDP;
30 ensure that the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority, working with law enforcement agencies, develop and implement a robust system that curb leakages of unprocessed natural resources and the smuggling of goods in and out of the country;
31 speed up the completion of Gwayi-Shangani and Kunzvi Dams;

32 ensure that the Presidential Livestock programmes continue benefitting the vulnerable;
33 strengthen restocking programmes to grow the national herd;
34 expedite the implementation of the new land tenure policy to give beneficiaries security of tenure;

35 expedite the allocation of 10ha plots per District for the youths;
36 expedite the localization of the production of fertilizers and other agricultural inputs so as to reduce the cost of production;
37 enforce the law on GMOs according to the existing legislation;

38 ensure that in line with the President’s vision, distribution of Presidential Inputs and social welfare relief are distributed to all deserving citizens regardless of political or other affiliations;
39 distribute Presidential Inputs and social welfare relief free of corruption;

40 ensure timeous distribution of Agricultural inputs to farmers in an effort to promote and sustain food sovereignty;
41 promote production and consumption of traditional foods;
42 sufficiently capitalise the Venture Capital Fund in order to support start-up ventures;

43 ensure the Women’s Bank and Empower Bank are adequately capitalised;
44 come up with policy measures, with a clear action plan that promotes the ease and cost of doing business so as to promote a conducive investment environment and increasing exports;

45 enforce the laws on Reserved Sectors of the economy;
46 intensify efforts towards clearing the country’s external debt in order to unlock global capital;

47 formulate an effective incentive programme to encourage corporate social responsibility among corporates;
48 develop and implement comprehensive policies to realise the formalisation of the informal sector through the enforcement of the appropriate laws;

Social Services and Poverty Eradication

49 strengthen monitoring mechanisms to enforce adherence to labour laws especially in the private sector;
50 develop a programme that ensures efficiency, transparency, equity, inclusiveness and speed in the distribution of drought relief to all vulnerable citizens immediately;

51 Expedite the operationalisation, including digitalisation of the National Disaster Management Centre;
52 develop an effective incentives programme to harness Corporate Social Responsibility contribution to community development;
53 ensure the urgent development and implementation of a comprehensive and transformative programme that is consistent with an upper middle-income society for Civil Servants working conditions;

54 urgently review the public and private pensions policies to improve and safeguard the welfare of pensioners and the parameters for strengthening all pension funds as guided amongst others by the Justice Smith Commission Report;

55 ensure that all Presidential empowerment programmes are implemented in an efficient and transparent manner strictly for the benefit of targeted communities;
56 establish Secondary School Teacher Training Colleges in every Province;
57 expedite the upgrading and registration of satellite schools through the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education;

58 adequately stock all health facilities with essential drugs and equipment;
59 capacitate all Provincial and District Hospitals with ambulances;
60 expedite completion of Lupane Provincial Hospital;
61 expedite the development of Lupane as a Provincial Capital for Matabeleland North Province;

62 upgrade and increase the number of Nursing Schools;
63 expedite the establishment of the School of Hospitality Industry in Victoria Falls;
64 capacitate the School of Mines in order to increase enrolment of trainees;
65 accelerate the provision of low-cost housing;

66 ensure that legacy arrears arising from Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM) commitments are cleared and funds due under the programme are timeously released;
67 ensure that BEAM beneficiaries are not sent away due to delayed payment of fees;

68 provide free health care services for the elderly, minors, persons with disabilities, marginalized and the vulnerable;

69 review policies and strengthen the legal framework to curb the distribution of drugs and substances;
70 improve the operational efficiency of ZUPCO buses in both rural and urban communities and ensure affordable fares;
71 expedite the construction, rehabilitation and capacitation of dip-tanks in all Provinces;

72 ensure that activities of land and space barons are curtailed through the accelerated development of masterplans and digitisation of the State Land Bank;
73 raise awareness on the preservation of the rights of widows and widowers on inheritance of estates and review estate duties downwards;

74 establish mobile health care facilities in all communities where there are no primary and maternal health care services;
75 establish functional and resourced mothers’ shelters as well as Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid and Camera (VIAC) screening equipment at all health facilities;

76 expedite the establishment of the National Health Insurance Scheme;
77 develop and implement a programme that supports the existing government policy that aims to provide free of charge health services for pregnant and lactating mothers, children under five and those aged sixty years and above;

78 strengthen enforcement of laws related to Gender Based Violence (GBV), rape, murder and child marriages;
79 ensure that women, children, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups directly benefit from Government programmes;
80 ensure that there be a programme that guarantees the availability of medicines for chronic diseases;

81 ensure that the recruitment of candidates for the Zimbabwe National Youth Service is done in consultation with the Party Provincial leadership;
82 develop a policy that prioritises qualified graduates from the Zimbabwe National Youth Service for employment opportunities in the Public Sector;
83 intensify the establishment and rehabilitation of Vocational Training Centres in every district;

84 sustain the implementation of policies that prioritise marginalised communities in line with the thrust of leaving no-one and no place behind;
85 ensure that Local Authorities adhere to the call by the President that they provide services to citizens in line with A Call to Action- No Compromise to Service Delivery blueprint;

Infrastructure and Utilities

86 intensify the upgrading and modernisation of irrigation and power generation infrastructure at existing water bodies as well as installation of irrigation and power generation infrastructure at any idle water body;

87 expedite the operationalisation, including digitalisation of the National Disaster Management Centre;
88 prioritise funding for the completion of Gwayi-Shangani and Kunzvi Dams;
89 expedite through the Extended Emergency Road Rehabilitation Programme 2 (ERRP2) the completion and rehabilitation of all major roads;

90 increase rural electrification with focus on renewable energy;
91 expedite the development of infrastructure at gazetted border posts;
92 improve radio and television reception in underserviced areas;
93 improve tele-density and the telecommunications reception in underserviced areas;

94 embark on an accelerated development programme to reduce the power generation deficit;
95 rehabilitate, refurbish and maintain all State Buildings;
96 speed up the roll out of e-Government services, including e learning services;

Value Addition and Beneficiation

97 intensify efforts on value addition and beneficiation of all resource endowments;
98 ensure that investors are given incentives that encourage them to purchase raw materials from local producers;

99 develop innovations that can be patented and packaged for uptake by industry to enable manufacturing of intermediate goods;
100 expedite the localisation of the fertiliser value chain and other agricultural inputs;

101 accelerate the implementation of Zimbabwe Industrialization Recovery and Growth Plan (ZIRGP) to enhance manufacturing capacity and value addition in the pharmaceutical, iron and steel, , timber, agro-value chain and mining sectors;
102 expedite the passage in Parliament of the amendment of the Mines and Minerals Bill;

103 establish industrial parks in all provinces to drive rural industrialisation and employment creation;
104 to accelerate the revival of National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) to enable efficient and cost effective movements of cargo in order to promote trade and prolong the lifespan of the rehabilitated roads;

105 to enforce the Reserved Sector measures on the movement of heavy minerals with adequate safeguards against profiteering;

106 to expedite the establishment of laboratories for testing of minerals;
107 to finalise the digitization of the mining title management system commonly referred to as the mining cadastral system;

108 to upscale the formalization of the informal sector to enhance their participation in the value addition and beneficiation value chain;
109 to ensure funding for retooling Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the value addition and beneficiation value chain;

110 to strengthen the enforcement of legislation and regulations to combat the proliferation of fake products, counterfeit, underweight, hazardous, improperly labelled and smuggled goods in order to enhance consumer welfare and fair trade in the market place;
111 To expedite the review of laws on competition and antimonopolies to enhance fair trade and competition;

Engagement and Re-engagement

112 engage the British Government to fulfil its promise to contribute financially to pay off former white commercial farmers;

C. Provincial Economies
113 publish Provincial Gross Domestic Product (GDP) data to monitor, track and inform economic development policies;

114 expedite the promulgation of the devolution legislation to establish clear governance structures and ensure effective service delivery;
115 timeously disburse Devolution funds to support transformative infrastructure projects in Provinces;

116 coordinate awareness meetings on Devolution programmes to promote citizen participation;
117 establish processing factories where resources are extracted in order to promote local economic growth;

118 re-capitalise the Rural Infrastructure Development Agency (RIDA) to strengthen the devolution agenda;
119 ensure that local communities are given preference to participate in developmental projects domiciled in their area;

120 enhance training and capacity-building programmes for provincial officials to enhance governance and service delivery;

121 promote public-private partnerships to support provincial economic development;
122 strengthen Provincial Disaster Risk Management Plans and emergency response systems in Provinces;

D. Liberation War Heritage

123 expedite the vetting and gazetting of outstanding veterans of the liberation struggle, make timely payments of appropriate gratuities and issue recognition awards;

124 accommodate all categories of the Veterans of the Liberation struggle in the twenty percent (20%) quota allocation reserved in respective sectors for Veterans of the Liberation Struggle;
125 implement an all-inclusive programme to refurbish and maintain all National, Provincial and District Heroes Shrines;
126 review protocol policy to recognise Veterans of the Liberation Struggle at State Occasions;

127 prioritise the disbursement of resources for exhumations and reburials of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle;
128 protect Veterans of the Liberation Struggle from land evictions and undue development planning by local authorities that affect them and their lawful dependants;
129 establish provincial museums to preserve memories of the liberation struggle;

130 accelerate the renaming of roads, schools, institutions and buildings after Veterans of the Liberation Struggle;
131 accelerate the renaming of some Provinces and do away with colonial names;

132 implement a policy that will guarantee state assisted burials for liberation war heroes;
133 establish specialized medical facilities to provide comprehensive medical services that cater for their unique war related ailments;
134 create land tax and other tax exemptions for Veterans of the Liberation Struggle;

135 designate and allocate land in local authorities for the implementation of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle’sprojects as part of economic empowerment and full participation in commerce;

136 restructure and resuscitate the entire Veterans of the Liberation Struggle investment portfolio in a transparent and professional manner.;

E. Culture and Religion

137 Recognise and memorialise the role played by Spirit Mediums in the First and Second Chimurenga Wars;
138 implement a robust programme to refurbish and maintain all National, Provincial and District Heroes Shrines;
139 enhance protocol policy to recognise Veterans of the Liberation Struggle at State Occasions;

140 develop a policy for the design and the erecting of statues of national heroes in the provinces;
141 conduct an annual National Bira in liaison with traditionalists;
142 review the Chiefs’ regalia to reflect Zimbabwe’s culture and national ethos

F. Women Affairs

143 make available economic empowerment opportunities for women to have access to businesses that provide them with a competitive edge;

144 address the challenges affecting women and widows on issues of inheritance of estates of deceased husbands and that widows must not pay heavy taxes when changing ownership of properties after the death of their husbands;

G. Youth Affairs and Sport

145 make use of ZIMDEF funds to establish new and upgrade existing Vocational Training Centres (VTCs) and Recreational facilities to curb idleness that leads to drug and substance abuse;

146 expedite the review of laws and policies to curb drug and substance abuse among the youths;
147 continue accelerating empowerment programmes including mining concessions, land, skills training, access to affordable capital and education;
148 promote the establishment of Youth Desks in every Ministry, Department and Agency;

149 provide affordable and accessible education from Early Childhood Development to Higher and Tertiary and support youths with exceptional talent;
150 ensure that attendance to the Chitepo School of Ideology be compulsory to every member of the ZANU PF Youth League;
151 consider the appointment of qualified Youths in Boards of State Owned Enterprises;
152 implement the 20% youth quota across all sectors;
153 tighten and enforce the laws against homosexuality and other social ills.

H. Environment and Climate

154 prioritise and safeguard environmental sustainability in all developmental projects;
155 enforce the ban on riverbed mining and accelerate river de-siltation programme through the cancellation of mining licenses and environmental permits, including the confiscation of mining equipment in these areas;
156 operationalise air rescue services to assist in human and wildlife conflict;

157 implement the policy on the management of human and wildlife conflict;
158 institutionalise Gastronomy Tourism in conjunction with Township Tourism to create employment and boost revenue inflows;

159 explore alternative ways for the country to unlock value in ivory to fund wildlife management and community development programmes;
160 accelerate climate proofing programmes and initiatives to mitigate the negative effects of climate change;
161 intensify environmental management programmes across the country to ensure a safe and clean environment; and
162 follow up on the effective implementation of resolutions.