11 people died on spot and several others were seriously injured yesterday when two commuter omnibuses collided head-on along the Harare-Nyamapanda highway, marking a bloody start to the festive season which runs from December 15 to January 15, 2019.

The accident occurred at the 49 km peg late in the afternoon.

National police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi confirmed the accident last night.

The bodies of the deceased were taken to Murehwa Hospital mortuary while the injured were rushed to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals in Harare.

“One of the commuter omnibuses had a tyre burst and encroached onto the lane of an oncoming omnibus, resulting in the head-on collision,” said Asst Comm Nyathi.

“Police officers at the scene are still establishing the number of passengers who were on board each kombi,” he said.

The country has of late been experiencing a spate of road fatalities.
