The volume of tobacco exported in January and February 2024 was 56,5 million kilogrammes, indicating a 106% increase from the 27,6 m kgs exported during the same period in 2023.

This adds to US$ 1.224 billion generated until December 2023.

Zimbabwe had its best tobacco production season in 2023, after deliveries reached a record 296 million kgs.

Past tobacco records: 2017/18 season: 236 m kgs, 2019/20 season: 252.5 m kgs.

Tobacco is Zimbabwe’s second largest foreign currency earner after gold.

Meanwhile, the 2023/ 2024 tobacco marketing season will be officially opened by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga tommorrow morning.

And farmers have already started delivering tobacco to auction floors ahead of the opening tomorrow.

Deliveries of the contract crop start on Thursday.

2023 Auction in numbers: Zimbabwe had exported 233 896 182 kgs of the tobacco valued at US$1,224 billion as of December 15, 2023.

The average price for the shipments was US$5,23 per kg compared to US$4,96 a kg during the same period in 2022.
