With indications now clear that some people could use parallel system to know the election results soon after voting, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) has warned people against announcing election results before it does.

ZEC says it is illegal for anybody or organization apart from itself to announce the election results.

The warning comes at the time people could use parallel tabulation to know the election results soon after the counting of the ballot papers.

Responding to the warning by ZEC barred presidential candidate Saviour Kasukuwere’s Head of Marketing and Mobilisation Cde Never Maswerasei said:

“You are a bunch of crooks well-known for announcing cooked up results that is the reason. Dexter Nduna illegally attended parliament for 5 years because of your guided dishonesty.

“Mentally gifted people will announce them before you do. Parallel tabulation has you by the balls.”

Over the years, ZEC has been accused of cooking election results in favour of the ruling party ZANU PF and its leaders.
