As unofficial results start filtering through showing main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change lead ZANU PF says they should not celebrate until rural areas voting results are announced.

Rural areas are traditionally ZANU PF strongholds and despite reported opposition inroads, the ruling party is believes it will win.

“Noise will stop late afternoon. 66.4% of the voters are in rural Zimbabwe.

“We have 12500+ polling stations.

“You are celebrating less than 1% of V11s from urban and periurban areas.

“ZANU PF will emerge victorious,” says ZANU PF Patriots.

Apparently, it is suspected that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission and ZANU PF have been trying to suppress voting in urban areas.

While, some polling stations in Harare and Bulawayo opened very late yesterday, it is surprising that those in rural areas opened on time with everything in place.

This has been viewed by many as a ploy to give competitive advantage to ZANU PF.
