General (Retired) Dr. Constantino Chiwenga has reportedly sent a condolence message following the passing on of  Foreign Affairs and International Trade Minister Lieutenant General (Retired) Dr. Sibusiso Busi Moyo, state media reports.

In a statement posted by ZBC, the Vice President described Moyo’s death as a loss of one of Zimbabwe’s rarest brains.

Having had the opportunity to work with the departed son of the soil, during the liberation struggle and subsequently in post-independence military service and political economy, I can affirm that the nation has been robbed of one of its rarest and finest brains with an excellent grasp of the broader picture as well as attention to detail and implementation, he said.

“We take solace from the fact that the late was a distinguished Commander, politician and civil servant whose contribution to the wellbeing of Zimbabwe was beyond reproach, he added.

Chiwenga is reportedly one of the Zanu PF bigwigs battling coronavirus.
